Sunday, November 24, 2013

Days Five and Six--Technical Difficulties

Day Five and Six

Another fun day at the cat house. Beebee doesn't seem to mind watching the kitten entertainment during the day, but she's not interested in staying inside at night though. I suspect that might just be a convenient excuse though for carousing all night. She'll change her tune on the that count once it starts getting cold at night. In the meantime, I have as much fun watching Beebee watching the kittens as she has watching the kittens. She makes sure to growl every time of the kittens gets anyway close to her. Yeti has taken to playing with them as much as he dares and as much as they'll let him. He's cute being so timid and careful with them. Anjolie played chase with them a little bit, and Bootsy continues to be amused from a safe distance. Li'l, still not feeling up to snuff, remains somewhat aloof. He's doing much better though, and has started to show himself for minutes at a time. I noticed a lump on his hind quarters that bears watching. I don't know if he had an abscess starting already or it the painful shots actually missed enough to have caused the swelling. It explains why he hasn't wanted to be with the others, particularly with active kittens. 

Jan has taken to calling Chi, "Chi Chi," and I've started calling Tai, "Tai-grr." They're rather enthusiastic little people. They are still easier to deal with Anjolie and Bootsy. I don't know if it's because there is more space in the  

The kittens have been eating us out of house and home. They eat the same portions as the big kids. They are busy stuffing all four legs and their ears and tails. In the week they've been here, they've already grown noticeably. I noticed today that a piece of furniture they'd been able to run under without so much as ducking their heads, required quite a bit of ducking. They've gotten an inch taller and longer and can out eat their much bigger siblings and cousins. 

I couldn't get online one day, so I had to combine two days. All cats except Beebee are getting used to the little sisters. Beebee continues to be totally perturbed with her mother for adopting two more kittens, but this is the nature of Beebee. She got used to Pixie and Yeti, and actually enjoys them now, or did before two more reasons to hate the world came into the house. 


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