Thank goodness Chi goes in to get spayed today! We tried to get her in last week, but they had too many surgeries so we had to wait another week. Argh! Chi is officially in heat and has been making Bootsy nuts. None of our boys can do anything about getting her pregnant, but it doesn't mean that she can't stir them up with all the pheromones. Bootsy is trying his best to leave her alone because I keep fussing at him for trying to act on the situation. She keeps wrapping her tail around him and luring him in, and I keep calling him off her because he weighs like four times her weight. I'm concerned about her getting flattened under him and hurt.
Plus if you juxtapose this behavior with her nursing on a blanket every day, and it's enough to give you extreme cognitive dissonance. I know she doesn't really know what's going on with her body, but the siren-like behavior is too much. It makes me understand teenage humans better though. Why is it that this vet won't do the surgery until the kittens are six months old, but I adopt rescues at two months who have already been spayed and neutered? I'm glad Anjolie never had to go through this because I adopted her from a shelter that had already taken care of neutering and shots, etc. Little too. Pixie had to go through this a little bit too because she has the same vet, and she still goes through interesting simulation bouts with Bootsy where she calls him over and he humps her hip or something, but doesn't actually copulate with her because he was neutered at under two months old as well. Neither Little Grey nor Anjolie have to deal with this. I'm thinking that earlier neutering is better for them since there are plenty of kitties already being born into the world. Why risk it?
Not all owners would be as diligent, but I am making sure that I don't open the door to the outside world today so Chi can't escape. The neighborhood tom is out there just waiting to get her. He was here when Tai started in too. We got her done a month ago when she started acting hormonal, even though she wasn't quite six months old. Now Chi has hit and passed the 6 months mark and needed to be done last week! It's pretty funny that Bootsy is still quite the Casa Nova even though he was neutered when he was small. Sweet Eyes, Pixie, and Chi all love him. Tai did love him before she was spayed but now she seems to like Little, who is not very interested in anyone, although he's coming in from the patio more today to sniff around Chi. He generally seems to like Anjolie, but she's not interested in anyone!
I for one will be very happy to reduce the hormone levels in this kat house today. Chi goes in this afternoon to stay overnight and get fixed tomorrow. I'll miss her, but I know this has to be done and yesterday would have been better. She must have gone into heat last night. It was interesting in here with all the cat calls back and forth. Mating calls of the young and neutered are less intense, but still taxing and not at all conducive to sleep.
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